Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sad Affairs of the State

The light inside the refrigerator that is my mind has been staying on a little longer than usual, adding a dull glimmer to what often is a numb darkness. The topic tends to ebb between two inter-related topics: church/state issues and the polarization of our society.

The church/state issues seem to portend all that is wrong with our nation. Yet, society in general seems to be generally polarized about it, but not inasmuch in a for/against manner. Rather, it seems our society has become an us vs. them, where the 'us' are religious-based conservatives railing about how liberals are killing our world. They point to the 'immorality' and how it is endangering us both now and in the afterlife. You're either with God or against God and if you dare say anything less than an "amen!" you might as well pack your hot-weather outfit for eternity.

More on this later.

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