Wednesday, January 28, 2009


As a writer, I find that I seldom have 'writer's block.' Rather, I tend to encounter subjects that sometimes leave me unable to write about them because I simply cannot do them justice in print.

One such topic that has vexed me is the notion of what joy kids can be. There are some truly incredible moments as a parent that are indescribable. And as a person who's made a living writing, that's a damned humbling experience.

My kids remind me of innocence, promise and the world in front of you. I remember thinking that at times as a kid, I stood out by being smart, different and funny. When my own son starts doing that, it makes me warm and gives me chills. My daughter on the other hand is just such a delightful spirit. She's warm, expressive and brighter than even her brother was. That scares the heck out of me.

One day I hope to really convey those moments when life causes you to pause and really soak in the moment. Until then, I can only say that kids are worth every darn hassle and worry they cause us in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You, Milhouse, make one stellar dad.